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The Horn

November 4, 2004

And Liskin writes...

Last week, while on my daily walk, I had the good fortune to meet Harold Liskin, a fellow walker, for the first time. We were coming from opposite directions and we encountered each other on the very spot where several days before, a 91 year old man was fatally run down by the driver of a car who was temporarily blinded by the glare of the sun. As Harold and I talked about this we exchanged other reminiscences and as is now becoming de rigeur, our e-mail addresses. We are now more than just acquaintances.
<> I’m sorry I didn't answer your last email. But please don't ask me what made me so busy. I can only tell you that what I used to do on my "lunch hour" now takes me a good part of the day. And then I can't remember what I did. But I can tell you the name of the girl I was in love with in the 2nd grade. Kind of weird, isn' it? Of course, you are too young to have had these experiences.
<> As for the garbage or the vacuum cleaner or the broom, well my nice Jewish wife either doesn't know where these things are and if she should find them she wouldn't remember how to use them. Very convenient! I can see that there are some very nice aspects to your lovely wife's activities.
<> I imagine you were delirious with the outcome of the election. New York seems to be out of touch with the rest of the country particularly the Middle West. We are in a state of mourning but we will recover. Actually, all my life I have voted against a candidate more often than for one, except for Roosevelt. I voted FOR him.
<> So much for now,
Addendum: When Harold visited my blogsite and read "Assisted Living" he sort of took exception to how my wife takes out the garbage, etc. He didn’t think that was proper for a Jewish wife to do. I had occasion later to ask him if the wife taking out the garbage is Christian and not Jewish, might she not be committing blasphemy. What he wrote in the above note relates peripherally to that subject. Isn’t it great how some chance encounters can lead to interesting friendships?


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