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The Horn

April 11, 2008

Vice President Rice (?)

Dr. Condoleezza Rice

It is being bruited that Secretary of State Dr. Condoleezza Rice will be asked by Senator McCain to be his VP running mate. By any parameter, it would be a celestially inspired choice for him (and the nation, if he is elected).

Condy is a brilliant and dynamic young woman. Stanford University has been importuning her relentlessly to return there to serve as its Provost. The NFL, a singularly multiracial and multiethnic enterprise of great magnitude and diversity, waits with bated breath for her to agree to be its chief executive. Countless other organizations yearn for Dr. Condoleezza Rice to be at their helm.

Factor into her equation that in only a few short years she has spread eagled the entire globe in her capacity as a top ranking executive diplomat. Her views and counsel are avidly sought and coveted, here and abroad, by the highest levels of government.

With her at his side in the presidential campaign, Senator McCain would yield no gender or racial advantages to whomever his Democratic opponent will be. Indeed, he could confront his opposition with a VP candidate of substantially superior experience and a competence that is already universally acknowledged.

And for those who obsess about McCain’s advancing age, with Condoleezza near him to spell him if he falters, the insurance she provides for him (and our nation) is indubitable and immeasurable. And to top it off, she is a debater with few peers, a snappy dresser and a virtuoso at the piano.
Comments: mailto:domgab1914@comcast.net
I can only hope!!!!! She would bring great dignity to the office of VP ~ Commander Fred