Israel's Ordeal
That event is purported to have occurred about 1,500 years before the birth of Christ. When the Jews escaped from bondage in Egypt, Moses led them to the Promised Land, where by happenstance, the Philistines were also endeavoring to establish themselves.
What defies credence is the enormity of suffering that Israelis have undergone since their tribal origin along the Euphrates river. No matter where Jews settle, they are ostracized, persecuted and even massacred. And since 1948, when with U.N. approval they re-established themselves in Israel, they have been under constant attack by the Islamists who surround them. Worse, they are now threatened with nuclear extinction, by Iran. While Jews ask for nothing but human understanding, except for the United States, the world keeps its back turned on them.
But now that the newly elected President of the United States is Barack Hussein Obama, an Afro American, sired in Hawaii by an itinerant, Kenyan Muslim, what new fate has destiny prepared for Israel? While we ponder that question, let us not forget that for the past several decades, Israel has depended almost exclusively on America for its continuing survival!
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