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The Horn

December 1, 2004

What's a blog?

My grand-daughter Megan Kenney
Hi Papa,
Here’s an interesting note I just came across on the addition of the word "blog" to the Merriam dictionary.
Now here is a first:
<:> The Merriam-Webster dictionary says the word "blog" has earned a place on its list of the 10 words of the year. Merriam reports that "blog" ranks as one of the most looked up words on its Web site this year. The dictionary defines a "blog" as a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks.
<:> That is kind of a parochial definition considering the rich and wide variety of content out there. Blogs are, or can be, so much more. They represent the pinnacle of self-publishing. They exist within a greater universe often dubbed "the blogosphere" (now what are the chances that "blogosphere" will show up in the dictionary?) and are linked to one another by subject matter and tone. Many carry advertising, others don't. Some feature the snarky rantings of deranged lunatics, others serve up the private musings of misanthropic woodsmen.
Thank you Megan,
<:> It is good to know that we are on the edge of this envelope. It is always much more fun to ride waves of adventure than to live self-indulgently as a complacent couch potato. It pleases me greatly that I have been able to introduce myself as well as my family and friends to this newest and very exciting facet of cyberland. The welcome reception given to Tarry here awhile by all of you, has encouraged me to continue to probe the fathomless depths of this fascinating medium. How happy I am that we are all doing this, together. And Megan, you are so beautiful !


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