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The Horn

June 3, 2005

We're back!

We love our Mars Futon
Most of you who visit this site already know that Lenore has been home from Rehab since Friday May 20th.
As of today, I can now report that she has made and is continuing to make outstanding progress. We have visited her orthopedist and he has scheduled her for outpatient physiotherapy at a local facility. On the negative side, she is anemic. There was significant loss of blood at the time of the injury and during the reparative surgery. With monitoring by our Primary Care Physician we are attempting to overcome that condition as quickly as possible. Our flight of stairs has not been a problem and we have resumed doing an appreciable amount of outdoor walking nearly every day.
Because we thought she might have to stay on the ground floor of our residence, we replaced our cumbersome sofa-bed with a Futon (ours is a Chinese crimson-red). We love it! We cannot remember ever having purchased a piece of furniture that gives us as much service and delight as this remarkably beautiful and ingeniously engineered item. It has brightened up our den and it imparts to the room a warm and lively Chinese decor.
This is my first entry into Tarry here awhile, since two weeks ago. Some of you have remarked to me about it. I’ve been delinquent and I know it. But now that my head is beginning to feel a bit more aligned with my mind, I will revisit my priorities and endeavor to start posting again.
In the meantime, take another good look at that Futon pictured above. It is made to order for that very special nook that everyone has in their home (you’ll find it at the Futon Store in Google. Prepare to pay more, to have the young lady delivered with your package).


At 8:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad to hear from you again. It's amazing how moms incident affected all of us!

At 11:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hooray - you're back! Now it feels like things are truly getting back to normal - for the both of you!!!
Love - Lorna

At 3:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


So good to "hear" your unmistakeable voice again. I was worried.

Paul Cipes

At 12:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This Futon is a remarkable piece of den furniture. We really are quite pleased with it.


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