Some thoughts after reading"Letter from Londonistan" by Irwin Stelzer
The Weekly Standard
August 1, 2005 ~ Volume 10 ~ Number 43
{1} The recent bombings in London are drawing attention to the fact that the Muslim migration into Britain is producing paradoxical and terrifying dangers. Having fled in desperation from oppressively intolerant countries, England's Islamic immigrants were happy to be welcomed and accepted by a hospitable country that offered them shelter, nurturance, protection and unparalleled opportunities for growth, self-sustenance and advanced social development.
{2} Surprisingly, however, the Muslims (not unlike most migrants, initially) are adamantly opposed to adopting British standards and customs. They seem determined to stay separated and totally isolated from their host. But paradoxically, in its zeal to retain every aspect of its religion and culture, the Muslim community is in effect re-creating the very parameters of life and existence it just escaped from. Tragically, in pursuing this self-abnegating course, it has already become quite hostile toward its benefactors. If this alienation grows unchecked, the result will be ominous. Britain may well become a latter day Troy, another tragic victim of another apocalyptic steed.
{3} Its constitutional democracy makes Britain exceptionally vulnerable to the current animosity of its Muslim community. Its unwavering commitment to human rights actually vitiates its capacity to defend itself. Indeed, it may even be accelerating the growing hostility of its Muslim population. And if the English mistakenly persist in viewing these recent attacks as simply sporadic acts of terrorism, they may fail to grasp that perhaps its Islamic community, like Islam everywhere else, sees Britain as one of its mortal enemies.
Caveat emptor USA: Whether or not Osama bin Laden had anything to do with the train and subway bombings in Madrid, London and elsewhere, by his own admission he did attack the New York World Trade Center. Will his next assault on the USA be on just another municipal transit facility or will the scale of what he is planning, far exceed the cataclysm he perpetrated on 9/11?
Osama: Will Allah condone what you are contemplating?
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