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The Horn

December 10, 2005

Sen. Joe Lieberman

"Why hast thou despised the commandment of the Lord, to do evil in his sight? Thou hast killed Uriah with the sword and hast taken his wife Bathsheba ..." were the words with which Nathan, sent by the Lord, admonished King David of Israel.
Senator Joe Lieberman, a latter day Nathan, was the first Democratic Senator to publicly upbraid Clinton for his sexual misconduct with Monica Lewinsky. And now, the Senator is being ruthlessly assailed by his party for supporting our government's continued involvement in the Mideast.
From even before ancient Egyptian times, Jews have been wandering nomads. Briefly settled in the Holy Land after their exodus from Egypt, their short term lease there, rapidly expired and after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD they resumed their diaspora. And now, although the modern state of Israel was created with the blessings and sanction of the United Nations, outspoken, militant Muslims everywhere, want Jews and their homeland to be wiped from the map.
Ostracized, ghettoized, pogromized and holocausted, Jews tend to feel more secure by identifying with their host nation's political left. But were they to be transplanted from America to modern day Israel, they would undoubtedly become politically more conservative. Here in America, most people on the left are disengenuous about what is clearly an unrelenting and spreading Islamic jihad against the West. But in Israel, completely surrounded by Muslims who are committed to their extinction, Jews are subjected nearly every day to murderous and devastating assaults. And Israel is more than acutely aware that it must depend almost entirely upon itself for its security and continued existence. In stark contrast to some of his obviously less informed political colleagues, the Senator needs no instruction about this omnipresent, calamitous situation!
Senator Joe Lieberman is by any standards an elder statesman. Possessed of great wisdom, experience and integrity, he is not likely to reverse his political course and become a Republican . Unlike more than a few in his party, he is no demagogue. Courageous, perceptive and extremely well grounded in secular and religious history, he is a proud, loyal and inspiring patriot. Take him very seriously; he walks exceedingly tall among us.


At 8:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sen Lieberman has long been a voice of sanity amoung a group of near sighted bafoons. Your comments are well taken, just look at the latest UN travesty.

The United Nations held a "Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People" last week. A large map of “Palestine,” with Israel literally wiped off the map, featured prominently in the festivities.

The ceremony was held at UN headquarters in New York and was attended by Secretary General Kofi Annan and the Presidents of the UN Security Council and the General Assembly.

During the festivities a map labeled a "map of Palestine” was displayed prominently between UN and PLO flags. The map, with “Palestine” written in Arabic atop it, does not include Israel, a member of the UN for 56 years. The map does not even demarcate the partition lines of November 29, 1947, marking a Jewish state alongside an Arab state – dictated by the UN General Assembly itself.

I fear for our future.

Tom G.

At 7:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Bryna and I just read your 3 recent blogs and also the article you recommended in today's NY Times by Elisabeth Bumiller. I dashed off a letter to my two sons advising them to check out this blogsite. I hope those seeds (you sowed) flourish and bear fruit.


From an e-mail Paul Cipes sent me today
Dom Gabriele


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