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The Horn

October 6, 2006

Foley Bergere (?)

The Capitol, our federal theme park, is once again adrip with sexual scandal, and journalists can hardly contain themselves. But to their apparent dismay (gnashing of teeth) this episode is not quite at the presidential level.
This time it is the perverted excursion of a congressman into cyberland, that has our nation titillated. Foley has evidently pulled off the seduction of a young and ostensibly innocent, congressional page. That this lad might have unconsciously contributed to the seduction, does not quite fit into the melodrama we want to see enacted. Our preference in this "folie a deux" is to see the boy as blameless.
But in truth, what we all expect from this tragi-farce is a smelly pile of political ordure. Scapegoats continue to be ferreted out and lawmakers who have homosexual proclivities are tactfully receding from view, and from inquisitive reporters. While Foley sulks in disgrace, antagonists are searching for an appropriate scarlet letter to sear into Speaker Hastert's flesh. And, as publishers begin to harass and importune the page, Rove and Dean are chanting discordant, contrapuntal rhythms.
Can recurrences of these travesties be averted? My blog "Locus loco" suggests that our Capitol should be moved away from a river whose large and small mouthed bass are already undergoing bizarre sexual changes. The Potomac is badly contaminated by sewage containing human estrogens, erectile dysfunction drugs and horse manure. For our government to draw its drinking water from it, is a "folie en masse."
Dom, you seem to be saying that Foley is not entirely to be blamed, that the page may somehow have contributed to his seduction (consciously or unconsciously). I wouldn't blame the victim until I can examine him ~ Anthony Correoso ~ tcorre12@aol.com
Tony, I am just making a psycho-analytical observation ~ Dom