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The Horn

January 25, 2009

Deja vu, All Over Again

Shades of Reverend Wright

Once again, as has so frequently happened in the past, Barack Obama is being drawn into the orbit of a powerful, knowledgeable, but sometimes erratically oriented man. How will it go and how will it end?

In a feature article published in today’s NY Times, Mark Leibovich has submitted a very penetrating, and surprisingly negative, report about the man Obama has chosen to be his White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emmanuel.

The sub headings to this article read “Partisan, Profane Confidant.” Rahm Emmanuel, who has played a crucial role in the selection of nearly every cabinet and White House Staff member is looked upon by some pundits as a bombastic, impulse driven man who is not above thumbing his nose at his adversaries. Spawned from that same notorious circle of volatile Illinois politicians that also produced Obama, he has quickly risen to be the "second" most powerful politico in the country.
It is no secret that our newly inaugurated President has come to rely heavily upon Rahm Emmanuel. He is his pillar of strength and fountain of wisdom. But there are foreboding observations in this report which imply that on occasion, the lines that should always sharply demarcate the borders of presidential authority, get somewhat blurred.

Comments: mailto:domgab1914@comcast.net



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