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The Horn

May 22, 2006

Surgical Reprieve

Ectropion Surgery Deferred
After an assiduous course of eyelid hygiene and nighttime application of an ophthalmic ointment, the inflammation in my left eye subsided and the swelling receded substantially. As of now, my lower lid no longer droops as it did before. The burning and grittiness I felt are also gone. Hallelujah!
Actually, although I dare not disparage the therapy I just described, I do believe that my eye turned around dramatically, when I began taking long, hard, swan’s-eye looks at Leda (Check Correggio’s painting of her in the post below)
Eyelid hygiene should be done regularly, whether we have an affliction or not. I am impressed with a product called Eye-Scrub. It is a plastic sealed gauze pad that is saturated with a soothing, soapy, non-burning, ooze. I recommend that before retiring, you rub both eyes with it and then rinse them with warm water. Women will find these pads very useful when cleansing their eyes of makeup. Most drugstores carry this product. But sorry, guys, I don't know where you can find that sensual portrait of Leda.
>I< Incidentally, if you have never done so on our previous postings, try left clicking on the photo above. You will be amazed by the clarity of the magnification. Then, to return to this post, left click on the left pointing "Back" arrow at the upper left corner of your screen.
Hi Dom, I'm glad to learn about your surgical reprieve. Maybe ogling Leda had a curative effect. The story about the Emperor Penguins was very informative. I hope Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth doesn't change things for those marvelous birds ~ Tony Correoso Tcorre12@aol.com