More light, less fury!
How many (if any) of our planet’s religions were actually divinely established by God? And if each of them was, then why has He created so many? Is He being capricious? Is He just not satisfied with what He has thus far wrought? Or, heaven forfend, is He running ungodly amok? On the other hand, if all of our religions, organized and tribal, were created by men who felt divinely inspired, then has it been they who have been running impiously, hither and yon?
But would God endorse religions which emphasize that its adherents are "we" as opposed to others not of that faith? As a common hen makes no distinction between the chicks in its brood, surely God must feel the same about each of us. Therefore, we must take particular exception to those religionists who not only believe they are favored by God, but that they also have His sanction to persecute and kill those who are adherents of other faiths.
Further, whereas no fish, fowl, plant, insect or other animal appears to be observing any formalized religious tenet, why do we? But that is a question I hesitate to plumb. However, without equivocation, I believe the woe that human beings perpetrate against each other is sheer and unforgivable blasphemy in the eyes of the creator.
Perhaps all of humanity should revisit the religious drawing boards? But if it is more illumination we need, should we not be asking God to please raise the wattage and lower the fury? Unfortunately, raising the wattage would require raising our "rates" or should we say our "rites." ~
Chrissy Stelmack Karl Marx said, "Religion is the opium of the people" I say, religion is man's need to reach out to a power greater than his humble self. But in the name of religion, man has done some awful things and they wrongfully ascribe their behavior to God. As I write this, Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson come to mind. ~ Omar Khayyam has said, (
freely translated) "That inverted bowl we call the sky, lift not your hands to it for help, for it rolls hopelessly by, just as you and I." ~ As for me, I do believe in God and I seek and find solace when faced with difficulties ~
Tony Correoso I see that you have a long-standing love affair with the written (or spoken) word! (Something that we share). Blog on! The world deserves you! ~