To blog, or not to blog?
Believe me, it has not been for want of something to say or write about. It has been mainly because there has been an outbreak of serious illnesses among several members of my immediate and extended families. I don’t remember any previous period of my life when I have been so overwhelmed by feelings and concerns.
Distressed and distraught, I have kept apprising our families of what has been happening by using e-mail, instant messaging and the telephone. Ordinarily, my blog would have served better as a medium for keeping our people informed but as one illness followed another, I was never certain as to where to draw a proper line between rendering family service and preserving family privacy.
While I will continue to think about how to deal with this very sensitive subject, it would be helpful to receive some input from you. In the meantime let us endeavor to keep each other in our hearts, our minds and our fervent prayers. Comment: It distresses me to learn of the illnesses in your family and relatives.The lack of blog postings is now understandable. You are quite right to protecting your loved ones. I would do the same. Do not call me if you feel I can be helpful in any way. Please accept my deep sympathy. My prayers and my hope for a happier outcome are offered. ~ Tony Correoso