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The Horn

July 25, 2008

Where is our path?

Quo vadis?
What would it take for us to cease being delusory and face the incontrovertible truth; man is not only bereft of humanity but unlike all other living species on this planet, he is essentially ungovernable and explosively dangerous!

Although we have had so-called golden ages, in fact none of them were truly and universally so, except in the minds of their besotted beholders. Clearly, from ithe moment of our creation, humanity has persevered in being menacingly hapless. And even when the Messiah, suffused with good will, dared to come to us with His divine words, we quickly nailed Him to the cross and continued uninterruptedly on our perverse paths. It makes me wonder what would happen if God Himself were to appear physically among us. I don't doubt we would hasten to inflict upon Him an even more gruesome fate than we did upon His Son?

As we listen to the contrived and tiresome rhetoric of our current presidential adversaries, do we hear words that we have never heard before? And when one of them finally wins the election in November, will we all relax and view the unfolding of a brand new and glorious future? Dream on!

In truth, those thoughts and devices that sometimes bring us ephemeral happiness and contentment were all designed and produced by independent, intelligent minds, not by governments or their leaders. But let’s not be oblivious to the fact that equally intelligent minds have been and are even now, busily creating the means for our ultimate destruction and perhaps our well deserved extinction.

It is hard not to believe that the creation of man was God’s most colossal blunder; or evolution's most aberrant detour. Indeed: If our planet appears to be undergoing malignant self-destruction, your perception is correct. Don’t search too far for the cause, the clinical name of its cancer, is homo sapiens.


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