Listen up!
To me, the American electorate is in a state of galloping entropy. With few exceptions, every ballot that is about to be cast will be a vote totally against an issue or a person. Candidates are attacking each other like mad dogs and the writing implements of nearly every journalist are dripping with venom. The malevolence spreading from sea to sea, and from north to south has stifled every citizen’s effort to cerebrate with wisdom, humility and respect. When Congress re-convenes, look for this discordance to grow exponentially. Good heavens, has Islam already prevailed? Have we seen the light? Are we no longer, infidels?
The rampant practice of homosexuality in ancient Sodom so infuriated God, it led him to destroy the city and turn its inhabitants into pillars of salt (do homosexuals have an aversion to salt?). While I am not greatly bothered by the counter-reproductional nature of homosexuality, it does disconcert me when homosexuals insist on applying the words and symbols of "traditional marriage" to their unions. Being of identical gender, how do they determine who is the husband and who is the wife? And with non-human animals gaining added protection and even some forms of civil status, what will the State eventually say to a man who wants to marry his dog, or a woman, her cat? NY Times, front page, 11/7/06 ~ New York Plans To Make Gender Personal Choice ~ Separating anatomy from what it means to be a man or a woman, New York City is moving forward with a plan to let people alter the sex on their birth certificate even if they have not had sex- change surgery. . .If approved, the new rule would put New York at the forefront of efforts to redefine gender. The best laid plans of mice and God, oft go awry ~ The Horn