Like the shutter on a camera, the iris of our eyes must adjust the size of our pupils to the intensity of the ambient light, in order for us to see properly
This focusing process is entirely reflexive. Without drugs or shades, it is beyond our individual will to control. Readers who have undergone eye refractions, where atropine was used to dilate their pupils, will recall that when they left the doctor’s office and went into the sunlight, the glare was overpowering. It took hours, before automaticity returned.
What I wish to report here, is that over the past few years, I have become increasingly sensitive to the glare of the sun, especially so when driving. And lately, on my afternoon walks, I am noticing that the light beams of some oncoming cars are almost scintillating bright. I am now beginning to wonder if the pupils of my eyes are no longer reflexly constricting in bright light. Examining my eyes in a magnifying mirror, under varying light conditions, has not yet helped me to determine what is happening. Have I become mydriatic?
I intend to discuss this with my ophthalmologist. But in the meantime, I would dearly like to have some input from my fellow elderlys. If you folks are experiencing anything like I have just described, please let me know. It may well be that we have an aging condition that hitherto has not received appropriate medical attention. If so, perhaps all we need to make us optically more comfortable (
and safer drivers) is some prophylactic ophthalmic medication
Hi Dad, I don't know if I qualify as an elder, but I am in my fifties, so I think I'm close enough. For the last 10 years, I have been able to see comfortably when I drive in the daytime, without wearing sunglasses. And if my memory is correct, I don't think I have ever seen you wear sunglasses. Maybe, after all these years, that has taken its toll. Seems that I definitely draw from your gene pool (same dry eye conditions, sensitivity, hearing, arm pains). Too bad I didn't cash in on more of the brain power. Love ya Dad ~
Loretta As long as the positives in that gene pool outweigh the negatives, we'll always be ahead. So very good to hear from you ~
Dad I need to tell you - the other day while driving on Rte 202 at about 3pm, I was blinded by the sun and I ran into the car in front of me. Serious accident, but no major injuries -